

This project aims to standardise gyrokinetic analysis by providing a single interface for reading and writing input and output files from different gyrokinetic codes, normalising to a common standard, and performing standard analysis methods.

A general Pyro object can be loaded either from simulation/experimental data or from an existing gyrokinetics file.

Currently pyrokinetics can do the following:

  • Read data in from:

    • Gyrokinetic input files

    • Integrated modelling/Global Equilibrium simulation output

  • Write input files for various gyrokinetics codes

  • Generate N-D Pyro object for scans

  • Read in gyrokinetic outputs

  • Standardise analysis of gyrokinetics outputs

Future development includes:

  • Submit gyrokinetics simulations to cluster

  • Integrate with GKDB to store/catalog GK runs

At a minimum pyrokinetics needs the local geometry and species data. This can be taken from a GK input file. At the moment the following local gyrokinetic codes are supported:

It is also possible to load in global data from the following codes, from which local parameters can be calculated.

Indices and tables#