Merge (multiple) species into a base species

Merge (multiple) species into a base species#

In the interest of computational gain, it may be useful to combine multiple species into a single species. A simple approach is to perform a density-weighted average which preserves quasineutrality. The attributes density (\(n\)), charge (\(z\)), density gradient (\(1/L_n\)) and mass (\(M\)) of the new species can be calculated as (for example):

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} n_m &= \sum_s n_s \\ z_m &= \frac{\sum_s (z_s n_s)}{ n_m } \\ M_m &= \frac{\sum_s (M_s n_s)} {n_m} \\ 1/L_{n_m} &= \frac{\sum_s (z_s n_s(1/L_{n_s}))} { z_m n_m } \end{align*}\end{split}\]

The summation \(\sum_s\) is over all the species \(s\) participating in the merge, whereas the subscript \(m\) represents the merged-species. The optional argument keep_base_species_z = True preserves the charge of the base species and adjusts the merged density, whereas keep_base_species_z = False preserves the number density of the ions (before and after the merge) and adjusts the charge state to ensure a quasineutral plasma. Both methods give the same density gradient. We can either choose to retain the mass of the base species by setting keep_base_species_mass = True, or if False, then depending on the logical value of keep_base_species_z (affects density), the new merged mass can assume (very) different values.


The flag keep_base_species_z = False preserves the kinetic pressure before and after the merge along with ensuring quasineutrality. However, the option keep_base_species_z = True changes the total pressure contained in the species as quasineutrality is maintained.

This is achieved in pyrokinetics as follows:

>>> from pyrokinetics import template_dir, Pyro
>>>  # point to equilibrium and kinetics files
>>> eq_file = template_dir / "test.geqdsk"
>>> kinetics_file = template_dir / "jetto.jsp"
>>> # create pyro object which contains global properties
>>> pyro = Pyro(
    kinetics_kwargs={"time": 550},
>>> # generate local parameters at psi_n=0.5
>>> pyro.load_local(psi_n=0.5, local_geometry="Miller")
>>> # merge species `impurity1` into `deuterium` (and remove impurity1 attributes)
>>> # by calling the merge_local method
>>> pyro.local_species.merge_species('deuterium',['impurity1'])
>>> # now write to your choice of GK code input (e.g. GENE)
>>> pyro.write_gk_file(file_name="input.gene", gk_code="GENE")

A script is provided which does this.