Pyro basic usage

Pyro basic usage#

This example shows several different ways you can use Pyrokinetics. Below we instantiate a Pyro object from a gyrokinetic input file as well as a Equilibrium/Kinetic profiles files. From there we are able to write gyrokinetic input files that be can ran as normal.


Demonstrates the creation of a Pyro object, and the various ways in which a GK input
file may be manipulated.

from pyrokinetics import Pyro, gk_templates, eq_templates, kinetics_templates
from pyrokinetics.gk_code import GKInputGS2, GKInputCGYRO

gs2_file = gk_templates["GS2"]
eq_file = eq_templates["GEQDSK"]
kinetics_file = kinetics_templates["SCENE"]

# Read a GK input file (with automatic file type inference
pyro = Pyro(gk_file=gs2_file)

# Can then access Pyrofied data:
ntheta = pyro.numerics["ntheta"]
shat = pyro.local_geometry["shat"]
ion_density = pyro.local_species["ion1"]["dens"]
assert "deuterium" not in pyro.local_species

# We can replace the local_geometry with one generated from a global equilibrium
psi_n = 0.5
# Show that local_geometry has been updated:
assert pyro.local_geometry["psi_n"] == 0.5
assert pyro.local_geometry["shat"] != shat

# We can also replace local_species with one generated from global kinetics
# If we were to do this without setting from a global equilibrium, we would also
# need to set a_minor. We'll explicitly set it to None to demonstrate usage.
pyro.load_local_species(psi_n, a_minor=None)
# Show that local_species has been updated:
assert "deuterium" in pyro.local_species
assert "ion1" not in pyro.local_species

# We may also read multiple files in with the constructor
pyro = Pyro(
# And we may set local_species and local_geometry together

# We may then write out a new GS2 input file given this new info
pyro.write_gk_file("", "GS2")
# This will modify the current file name, and its internal representation (gk_input)
assert str(pyro.gk_file) == ""

# We may also convert to a different gyrokinetics code
pyro.write_gk_file("", "CGYRO")
# This action has created a new 'context'. We may access the new context by setting the
# gk_code attribute
pyro.gk_code = "CGYRO"
assert str(pyro.gk_file) == ""
assert isinstance(pyro.gk_input, GKInputCGYRO)
# Each of the attributes local_geometry, local_species, numerics, gk_input, gk_output,
# and gk_file now point to the new context. We can switch back to the old context
# similarly.
pyro.gk_code = "GS2"
assert str(pyro.gk_file) == ""
assert isinstance(pyro.gk_input, GKInputGS2)
# If we call read_gk_file, that will overwrite the corresponding gyrokinetics context
# and switch to it. We can also convert the current context to a different type using
# convert_gk_code.