File Readers#

Pyrokinetics can read many different file types, and often it can do so without the user specifying which kind of file they wish to read:

from pyrokinetics import read_equilibrium

# No need to specify that we're reading a G-EQDSK file!
eq = read_equilibrium("my_eq.geqdsk")

This tutorial provides information on the tools Pyrokinetics uses to achieve this, and how to extend Pyrokinetics to handle new file types.


There are typically two main classes involved in the process of reading data from disk:

  • Readables: These classes contain the data that is read and processed from files on disk.

  • Readers: These classes read and return ‘readables’, and can also validate file types.

For example, Equilibrium is a readable, and it is instantiated and returned by reader classes such as EquilibriumReaderGEQDSK. In this tutorial, we will set up a readable class Foo, along with a reader classes that reads from .csv files.

To begin, we must mark Foo as being readable. This is achieved as so:

# file:
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

# The base class ReadableFromFile is needed to mark
# a class as a 'readable'
from pyrokinetics.file_utils import ReadableFromFile

class Foo(ReadableFromFile):

    # __init__ should take raw data -- not a file path
    def __init__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike):
        if not np.array_equal(np.shape(x), np.shape(y)):
            raise ValueError("x and y must have the same shape")
        if not np.ndim(x) == 1:
            raise ValueError("x and y must be 1D arrays")
        self._x = np.asarray(x)
        self._y = np.asarray(y)

In order to make a readable class, we have sub-classed ReadableFromFile. This adds the following classmethods:

  • from_file: Used as an alternative constructor. Creates a readable from a file.

  • supported_file_types: Returns a list of file types that from_file can read.

Having defined a ‘readable’ class, we can now define an associated reader:

# file:
from pyrokinetics.file_utils import FileReader
from .foo import Foo

class FooReaderCSV(FileReader, file_type="csv", reads=Foo):

Again, we have sub-classed a class from file_utils. We have also added two required keyword arguments to the class:

  • FileReader defines the abstract method read_from_file() and the method verify_file_type(). This means that sub-classes must provide a definition of read_from_file(), or else Python will throw an error. The former method is used to read/process data from files, while the latter is used to determine whether a file is of the correct type.

  • The keyword arguments are used to ‘register’ the reader class with its associated readable. In this case, it is given the key "csv" and is registered to Foo.

We’ll now demonstrate how we might implement these functions:

from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd

class FooReaderCSV(FileReader, file_type="csv", reads=Foo):

    # read_from_file should take a file path as a positional argument,
    # and any number of keyword arguments. Keyword arguments can be
    # passed on to this function via the 'from_file' method of Foo.
    def read_from_file(self, path: Path, y_col: str = "y") -> Foo:
        # Use pandas to read a csv and extract two columns
        df = pd.read_csv(path)
        return Foo(df["x"], df[y_col])

    # verify_file_type should check that the file provided is of the
    # correct type. This may include making sure that the file contains
    # any essential data. If the file is of the wrong type, an Exception
    # should be raised. Otherwise, the function should end normally.
    def verify_file_type(self, path: Path) -> None:
        # Use pandas to read csv, but without loading all rows.
        # It will throw an exception if the file can't be found,
        # or if it isn't readable as a csv file.
        df = pd.read_csv(path, nrows=1)
        # Also check that any required data is present. In this
        # case, we only need to check for the presence of the
        # column 'x'
        if not "x" in df:
            raise RuntimeError("Foo csv needs an 'x' column")
        # If we get here, it's probably a Foo csv. Exit normally
        # without returning.

Real read_from_file methods are likely to be much more complicated, and will likely require further data processing. They may also require adding units to the readable’s input data. A good verify_file_type function should be very fast to run, and should load/process the minimum amount of data in order to ensure the file is of the correct type.

With these functions defined, and reader classes registered, we can now use the classmethods supported_file_types and from_file:

>>> foo = Foo.from_file("my_foo.csv", file_type="csv")
>>> foo = Foo.from_file("my_foo.csv") # file_type isn't needed!
>>> print(Foo.supported_file_types())

We’ll explain in the next section why the file_type argument isn’t strictly needed.

Internal Details#

So how do the tools discussed in the previous section work to allow us to determine a file type automatically and read a file via a single call to Readable.from_file? Internally, this is managed using a specialised ‘factory’ class.

A factory is a function/class that allows users to create objects without specifying their exact types. They provide a common interface to the constructors of a collection of related types. The way they typically work is as follows:

  • A collection of related classes are defined: A1, A2, and A3. These may be related via a (possibly abstract) super class A, or they may be related simply by ‘duck typing’, i.e. they all have similar constructor/function signatures.

  • Each class we wish the factory to produce is assigned a ‘key’ by which they may be referenced: "A1", "A2", "A3". These classes are registered with the factory, e.g. my_factory.register("A1", A1).

  • The factory can then be used to create new instances of each class by providing the registered key. my_factory.create("A1", *args, **kwargs) may be used as an alternative to A1(*args, **kwargs).

Some of the benefit of using factories over using classes directly are:

  • The user doesn’t need to know exact class names, and doesn’t need to import each class they might want to build independently – they only need to import the factory.

  • We avoid long if..elif...else chains such as the following:

if condition_for_A1:
    return A1(*args, **kwargs)
elif condition_for_A2:
    return A2(*args, **kwargs)
elif condition_for_A3:
    return A3(*args, **kwargs)
  • The factory can create objects based on other conditions instead of simply looking up a registered key, so in cases where it isn’t clear which type the user might want to return, the factory can figure this out and return a suitable class for them.

The factories used to link readers and readables don’t need to be imported directly, as they are stored as class-level attributes on each readable. The special method __init_subclass__ on ReadableFromFile is responsible for setting this up for each readable. Users don’t need to interact with these factories directly, as FileReader also makes use of __init_subclass__ to handle registration at the point that the class is defined.

The from_file(path, file_type) method handles the object creation process. For readers and readables, this is a two step process:

  • Use a factory to create the correct type of reader. This is determined by the optional file_type argument.

  • Call that reader’s read_from_file function using the provided path.

The additional bit of magic in Pyrokinetics is provided by the verify_file_type functions defined by each reader class. If the user doesn’t pass file_type to from_file, the internal factory instead searches through each registered reader class and calls verify_file_type for each reader in turn. If, for some reader, this function exits normally without raising an exception, that reader it is then used to read the provided file. This can take a long time if verify_file_type functions are slow to execute, so it is best for these functions to be very short and not to perform any unnecessary additional processing.

GKInput: Both Reader and Readable#

GKInput fits strangely into this scheme, as while GKInput itself is a ‘readable’, it’s ‘readers’ are its own subclasses. This is because the reader classes fill in their attributes as a side effect of calling read_from_file. These readers should usually be retained after use, as they provide further functionality besides that offered by read_from_file. The way these readers are handled within Pyrokinetics differs compared to other reader/readable pairs, as Pyro makes direct use of the private factory object within GKInput to manage them.

This implementation may change in a later release.


The subclasses of GKInput do not return self from read_from_file, but rather a dict-like object containing the raw data from the file they read. Remember to keep the reader class around if you want to call any other functions!

Adding Plugins to Pyrokinetics#

If you write your own file reader and wish to use it alongside those bundled with Pyrokinetics, there are two ways to achieve this. The first method is to ensure your file reader is imported somewhere within your Python session, even if it is never used directly:

from my_project.my_module import MyEqReader # This is not used directly!

# If MyEqReader reads Equilibrium and has file type "MyFileType":
eq = pyrokinetics.read_equilibrium(filename, "MyFileType")

Provided MyFileReader subclasses FileReader and provides the keyword arguments file_type and reads, it will be registered alongside the Pyrokinetics classes.

If you’re developing a packaged Python project, a cleaner way to bundle your own classes with Pyrokinetics is to assign them using entry points in your pyproject.toml file:

MyFileType = "my_project.my_module:MyEqReader"

Pyrokinetics makes use of a plugin system that will automatically register classes in your Python environment registered this way. Note that here, "pyrokinetics.equilibrium" is an entry point group name, not a module. The group names for each Pyrokinetics file reader can be found at pyrokinetics.plugins.

When adding your own Pyrokinetics plugin classes, we recommend not importing them within your own project files, and instead accessing them via the Pyrokinetics interface, as otherwise you may run into circular import problems.

For examples of how to implement your own plugins, please see the Python package pyrokinetics-plugin-examples, which is used to test the plugin systems in Pyrokinetics. Although this package does not implement useful plugins, it does demonstrate the necessary class signatures and which functions need to be implemented.

For more information, please see: