

This modules contains utility functions for adding plugins to Pyrokinetics. This is achieved using entry-points.

If you want to register your own Equilibrium reader, it should inherit pyrokinetics.file_utils.FileReader, and its read_from_file() function should return an Equilibrium. To add this plugin to Pyrokinetics, you should add the following to your pyproject.toml file:

my_eq = "my_project.my_module:MyEqReader"

This will register the class MyEqReader, and within Pyrokinetics the equilibrium type will be "my_eq". Note that here, "pyrokinetics.equilibrium" is an entry point group name, not a module. The group names for each Pyrokinetics file reader are:

  • "pyrokinetics.gk_input"

  • "pyrokinetics.gk_output"

  • "pyrokinetics.equilibrium"

  • "pyrokinetics.kinetics"

For more information, please see:


register_file_reader_plugins(group_name, ...)

Defines an entry point group for classes that implement the FileReader and registers any user-defined plugins with that group.